We come from stardust. Our life stories are woven into the story of the universe in lifetimes across generations. The long history of humanity has been one of deep harmony with all other life on Earth. But now, we find ourselves out of balance with life itself. All generations alive in this moment have a choice: do we continue to destroy life or do we choose the continuation of life? We can be Earth Regenerators – cultivating, stewarding, regenerating and connecting our "life places" (bioregions) around the planet. The emergence of Bioregional Earth is this new/old story
Air is breath. It's time to breathe new life into human existence as place-based expressions of unique geology, ecology, and culture. Young and old are gathering to regenerate the Earth at the bioregional scale and organize into a planetary network of learning exchanges between landscapes. The Design School for Regenerating Earth is unique as it connects theory and practice, online learning journeys with real-world experiences – while drawing on tools and approaches from around the planet. Join like-minded and like-hearted people in your landscape and other bioregions to explore how to connect the personal and the planetary, weave together diverse regenerative projects, create Bioregional Learning Centers, and grow collaborative funding and governance systems
The challenges humanity and the Earth are facing now are extremely complex, unlike anything that's come before in the history of the planet. Meeting these challenges demands new models of regenerative finance, ensuring money flows strategically and equitably into, across, and between bioregions around the world. To launch the Earth Regeneration Fund, six bioregional contexts are coming together to prototype large-scale regenerative finance by creating Bioregional Funding Ecosystems suited to their particular context. We're mobilizing financial resources into these local landscapes, ensuring that often isolated projects are woven together for more meaningful long-term impact and that money reaches those doing the vital work on the ground