

The Bioregional Earth website is a gathering place for Earth Regenerators to follow a design pathway for regenerating our planet and human cultural, learning, and financial systems.

Joe Brewer, Penny Heiple, Susan V. Bosak, and Brian Puppa are the initiating stewards.

Steward: caretaker and caregiver. Stewardship is the essence of legacy, knowing that whatever you do ripples through time. It's about embracing diligence and messiness as you work toward regeneration and coherence. It's the greatest lesson you might ever learn in life: it's not about you. Care for all of Earth's life is the most ancient, worthy, and meaningful responsibility of humanity as the consciousness of the planet. A steward knows that when you tug on any one thing, you find it attached to the rest of the world.

Joe Brewer
Joe Brewer

Joe Brewer is a transdisciplinary systems thinker and Earth regeneration designer. Raised in the Ozarks, he has a background in earth sciences, cultural evolution, cognitive science, and complexity. He now lives in Barichara, Colombia where he's helping regenerate a 500,000 ha landscape, including bringing dead rivers back to life. His local work is multifaceted, from agroforestry work in Bioparque Móncora and starting a Waldorf Forest School (Sueños del Bosque) to co-founding a territorial foundation called Fundación Barichara Regenerativa and starting a trust to bring more local land into the commons. He was founder of the Earth Regenerators study group, is co-founder of the Design School for Regenerating Earth, and is the author of The Design Pathway for Regenerating Earth. A compelling speaker, he travels extensively to help bioregions around the planet activate and connect.

Penny Heiple
Penny Heiple

Penny Heiple has a passion for serving life and our beautiful planet Earth. A native of Boulder, Colorado, Penny now lives in Barichara, Colombia, where she is living out her dream of regenerating the Earth beside her life partner, Joe Brewer. She and Joe co-founded the Design School for Regenerating Earth where she leads operations, strategic planning, and community development. She also hosts the Inner Space where members of the school are cultivating the "inner" capacities needed to do the "outer" Earth regeneration work with integrity and sovereignty. In addition to stewarding the online activities of the school, Penny and Joe travel to bioregions around the world helping to support and activate organizing on-the-ground at the bioregional scale. At home in Barichara, Penny and Joe are creating a learning and healing center at the forested site they are co-stewarding, el Totumo.

Susan V.  Bosak
Susan V. Bosak

Susan Bosak is a researcher and systems thinker, and pioneered the role of 7-Generation Strategist in community. She grew up along the Red River in southern Manitoba, Canada. She has a background in the social sciences and intergenerational education, with her "classroom" stretching across the continent. As an author, she uses storytelling and the picture book format to share complex ideas with all ages; her bestsellers include Something to Remember Me By and Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom & Wishes, along with Science Is… used in hundreds of schools and universities. She founded the Legacy Project in 2000 as a response to the challenges of the new millennium, knowing this would be her life's work as well as the vital work of our time. With her partner Brian Puppa, she's working on social and ecological regeneration in the GTB (Greater Tkaronto Bioregion), 3 million hectares on the northwest shore of Lake Ontario in the Great Lakes Basin.

Brian Puppa
Brian Puppa

Brian Puppa is a systems design energy engineer by training with an interest in arboriculture, hydrology, and geology. Working as an energy engineer with several companies, he quickly realized that the "problems" we're facing can't be "solved," and go far beyond tech fixes. Drawing on childhood experiences with his grandparents, who built their own house on an isolated lake in northern Ontario, Canada, he shifted focus to ecological design. He has traveled extensively, serving on the Program Committee of Generations United in Washington, DC and presenting at renewable energy and regeneration conferences. He is Executive Director of the Legacy Project, handling daily management along with research and implementation as part of the core team for work in the GTB (Greater Tkaronto Bioregion). He also oversees the Legacy Project's site, The Cedars – 100 acres at the headwaters of the Beaver River on the Oak Ridges Moraine northeast of the city of Toronto.

We are committed to Indigenous worldviews and knowledge as foundational to the story of Bioregional Earth. This takes many forms, including collaborations with specific people like Dr. Dan Longboat, co-founder of the Indigenous Environmental Institute at Trent University in Canada. It also involves building on-the-ground relationships with Indigenous peoples in bioregions following the protocol of Respect, Connect, Reflect, and only then Direct together for wisdom-in-action to steward the land.

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Earth is our home.

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